1. Analiza stroškov rabe vode v izbranih lokalnih skupnostihKatja Čerkez, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, UNI, obvezne lokalne gospodarske javne službe varstva okolja, oskrba s pitno vodo, odvajanje in čiščenje komunalne odpadne vode, cene komunalnih storitev, okoljske dajatve, civil engineering, UNI, mandatory local public services of environmental protection, water supply services, drainage and treatment of waste water, the prices of municipial services, environmental taxes Full text (file, 6,14 MB) |
2. Influence of seed priming on emergence and growth of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seedlings grown under salt stressElouaer Mohamed Aymen, Hannachi Cherif, 2013, original scientific article Keywords: coriander, spices, salinity, seed treatment, crop yield, plant development, germination, germination, biological development stress, osmotic stress, salt tolerance, mineral content, essential oils Full text (outside link) |
3. Problematika čiščenja in dispozicija blata na KrasuMatjaž Ozbič, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, UNI, čistilna naprava, odpadno blato, uporaba blata, kras, civil engineering, UNI, municipal wastewater treatment plant, sewage sludge, carst Full text (file, 6,02 MB) |
4. Idejna zasnova odvajanja in čiščenja odpadnih voda za območje Ponikovske planoteAnita Voh, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, VKI, diplomska dela, UNI, čiščenje odpadne vode, male čistilne naprave, dimenzioniranje kanalizacijskih sistemov, Ponikovski kras, graduation thesis, civil engineering, VKI, wastewater treatment, small wastewater treatment plants, sewage system dimensioning, Ponikovski karst Full text (file, 6,82 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Presoja finančnih posledic operativnega programa odvajanja in čiščenja komunalne odpadne vode v občini TrebnjeAndrej Gričar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, VSŠ, operativni program, odvajanje in čiščenje, komunalne odpadne vode, kanalizacija, populacijski ekvivalent, zakon, male čistilne naprave, stroški, investicije, civil engineering, VSŠ, operative program, draining off and cleaning, communal wastewater, sewer, population equivalent, law, small wastewater treatment plant, costs, investments Full text (file, 3,08 MB) |
6. Electrochemical separation and reuse of EDTA after extraction of Cu contaminated soilDavid Voglar, Domen Leštan, 2010, original scientific article Keywords: onesnažena tla, kontaminirana tla, čiščenje tal, remediacija tal, Cu, baker, EDTA, contaminated soil, Cu, soil remediation, EDTA, electrochemical treatment Full text (outside link) |
8. Effect of heat pasteurization and enzymatic maceration on yield, color, sugars, organic acids, and phenolic content in the ‘Merlot Kanthus’ grape juiceAlema Puzović, Massimiliano Pelacci, Kristyna Šimkova, Metka Hudina, Denis Rusjan, Robert Veberič, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: heat treatment, enzyme concentration, juice processing, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids Full text (file, 1,04 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Analiza temperaturnega polja in napak planetne grediIgnacio Flórez Muguruza, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: planetary shaft, steel, heat treatment, spinning induction hardening, failure analysis, microstructure, temperature Full text (file, 10,17 MB) |
10. Treatment and re-use of raw blackwater by Chlorella vulgaris-based systemMarco Antonio Segovia Bifarini, Miha Žitnik, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Aleksandra Krivograd-Klemenčič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: feces, urine, wastewater treatment, nutrients, biomass, agriculture Full text (file, 1,39 MB) This document has more files! More... |