1. Short narrative prose: problems of terminology and methodologyIvo Pospíšil, 2006 Keywords: formation of short narrative prose, short and long narrative prose, literary methodology, terminology, theory of literature, diachronic and synchronic approaches, the national and the international, the necessity of the formation of a comparative encyclopaedia of literary terminology Full text (file, 90,40 KB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Non-agricultural databases and thesauriTomaž Bartol, 2012, original scientific article Keywords: podatkovne zbirke, baze podatkov, deskriptorji, ključne besede, tezavri, indeksiranje, metapodatki, terminologija, semantika, ontologija, klasifikacija, kontrolirani slovarji, kmetijstvo, databases, agriculture, controlled vocabularies, indexing, descriptors, thesauri, subject headings, terminology, semantics, ontology Full text (outside link) |
3. Assessment of classification and indexing of an agricultural journal based on metadata in AGRIS and CAB Abstracts databasTomaž Bartol, 2009, original scientific article Keywords: podatkovne zbirke, baze podatkov, kmetijstvo, ključne besede, tezavri, indeksiranje, klasifikacija, terminologija, semantika, ontologija, databases, agriculture, descriptors, thesauri, indexing, terminology, semantics, ontology Full text (outside link) |
4. TermFrame: a systematic approach to karst terminologyŠpela Vintar, Uroš Stepišnik, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: definitions, frame-based terminology, definition types, karstology, karst, karst terminology Full text (file, 5,75 MB) This document has more files! More... |
5. Scientific and technical information on organic farming: assessment of selected bibliographic indicators in database CAB AbstractsTomaž Bartol, Špela Drnovšek, Majda Černič Istenič, 2005, original scientific article Keywords: ekološko kmetijstvo, bibliografske podatkovne zbirke, bibliografski podatki, iskanje informacij, razkropljenost informacij, zbiranje podatkov, znanstvena informatika, bibliometrija, scientometrija, organic farming, bibliographic databases, bibliographic data, information scatter, data collection, data processing, documentation, terminology, scientometrics, bibliometrics Full text (outside link) |
7. Words apartGiovanni Trentanovi, Thomas Campagnaro, Tommaso Sitzia, Francesco Chianucci, Giorgio Vacchiano, Christian Ammer, Michał Ciach, Thomas Andrew Nagel, Miren del Rio, Yoan Paillet, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: forest management, multi-taxon, terminology, silviculture, data harmonization Full text (file, 2,45 MB) This document has more files! More... |