2. Vpliv izgradnje kanala Donava - Sava na primarno strukturo regij Slavonije in SremaDenis Ambruš, 2012, master's thesis Keywords: spatial planning, inland waterway, mega corridor, sustainable development axis, multipurpose Canal, Danube, Sava Full text (file, 12,78 MB) |
3. The implementation of environmental sustainability strategies in the pharmaceutical industryYuliia Kononenko, 2021, master's thesis Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, industrial enterprises, Krka, environment, sustainable development, strategy, cases, international comparisons, Chiesi, Novo Nordisk Full text (outside link) |
6. Characteristics of rural areas in SloveniaAnton Perpar, 2007, original scientific article Keywords: podeželje, razvoj podeželja, sonaravni razvoj, kmetijstvo, tipologija, rural areas, sustainable development, rural development, typology, Slovenia Full text (outside link) |
7. Sustainable rural developmentMohammad Asrar Ahmed Osmani, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: Bangladesh, ekonomski razvoj, regionalni razvoj, kmetijstvo, uravnotežen razvoj, revščina, institucije, razvoj, economic development, regional economic development, agriculture, sustainable development, poverty, institutions, development Full text (outside link) |
8. Local sustainability of the European Union citiesGoran Mihajlovski, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: EU, mesta, ekonomski razvoj, uravnotežen razvoj, varstvo okolja, voda, varstvo zraka, energetika, obnovljivi viri energije, komunalne dejavnosti, strategija, trendi, EU, towns, economic development, sustainable development, environmental protection, water, air protection, energetics, renewable energy resources, municipal works, strategy, trends Full text (outside link) |
9. Defining the model to assess the performance of Slovenian hotel enterprisesMiha Bratec, 2009, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenija, turizem, hotelirstvo, uravnotežen razvoj, družbena odgovornost, poslovanje podjetja, uspešnost poslovanja, modeli, mednarodne priemrjave, Slovenia, tourism, hotel industry, sustainable development, social responsibility, company performance, business efficiency, models Full text (outside link) |
10. Transdisciplinary sustainable developmentJanez Cerar, 2012, master's thesis Keywords: economic development, sustainable development, environmental protection, ecology, institutions, multidisciplinary aspect, capitalism, changes, reforms, trends Full text (outside link) |