7. Rugby, traditions and destination imageLucas Fernández Estévez, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: turizem, šport, dogodek, turistična geografija, strategija, raziskave, analiza, tourism, sports, event, tourist geography, strategy, research, analysis Full text (outside link) |
9. The Tokyo Olympic Games 2020, its role for influencing the perceptions held by the world on the governmental attitude toward the nuclear power plant problem, and re-branding the image of JapanRieko Ando, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: Japonska, turizem, šport, image, blagovne znamke, vlada, jedrske centrale, varnost, trženje, Japan, tourism, sports, image, trademarks, government, nuclear power stations, safety, marketing Full text (outside link) |
10. Aktualizacija naslovov športnih poročevalnih besedilNeža Kunej, 2016, undergraduate thesis Keywords: angleščina, slovenščina, aktualizacija, časopisni naslovi, športno poročevalstvo, stilistika poročevalstva, diplomska dela, foregrounding, headlines, sports reporting, reporting stylistics Full text (file, 971,76 KB) |