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1. Finančni instrumenti in upravljanje z operativnimi tveganji: Primer banke Société Générale Nika Pavlič, 2023, undergraduate thesis Keywords: Société Générale, Jérôme Kerviel, goljufivi trgovalec, nepooblaščene pozicije, fiktivni posli, operativno tveganje |
2. The interpretation of the parable of the prodigal son by two latin patristic authors, St Jerome and St Peter Chrysologus Jacobus Petrus Kuhn Kritzinger, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: parable of the prodigal son, sermons, letter, self-presentation of St Jerome |
3. Where are you, Stridon? Rafko Valenčič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: location of Stridon, Jerome’s citations, hypotheses, new archaeological research, the concentration of churches in the Slovenian Karst (Pivka), Strane (Stridonae?) |