1. Sezonsko spremljanje nekaterih bioaktivnih snovi v izbranih užitnih samoniklih rastlinahBarbara Pipan, 2007, undergraduate thesis Keywords: botany, wild plants, edible wild plants, bioactive compounds, seasonal assessment, chemical composition, chlorophyll, carotene, carotenoids, lutein, zeaxantin, neoxantin, tocopherol Full text (file, 360,82 KB) |
2. Research on seasonal dynamics of 14 different insects pests in Slovenia using pheromone trapsŽiga Laznik, Stanislav Trdan, 2013, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: varstvo rastlin, feromoni, škodljivci rastlin, insekti, monitoring, feromonske vabe, sezonska dinamika, Slovenija, pheromone traps, pheromones, insect pests, monitoring, insects, seasonal dynamics, Slovenia Full text (outside link) |
4. Counting cats for conservationMaximilian L. Allen, Shaodong Wang, Lucas O. Olson, Qing Li, Miha Krofel, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: competition, leopard, Panthera pardus, population density, predator-prey dynamics, seasonal variation, spatially explicit capture recapture Full text (file, 1,16 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Seasonal variations of naphthoquinone contents (juglone and hydrojuglone glycosides) in Juglans regia L.Aljaž Medič, Tilen Zamljen, Metka Hudina, Anita Solar, Robert Veberič, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: walnut flower, hydrojuglone, juglone, naphthoquinone, phenolic compounds, seasonal variation Full text (file, 8,43 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Mortality, seasonal variation, and susceptibility to acute exacerbation of COPD in the pandemic yearIrena Šarc, Aleša Lotrič Dolinar, Tina Morgan, Jože Sambt, Kristina Ziherl, Dalibor Gavrić, Julij Šelb, Aleš Rozman, Petra Došenović Bonča, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: exacerbation, acute exacerbation, seasonal variations, population study, COPD, COVID-19 pandemic, seasonality Full text (file, 1,43 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Seasonal dynamics of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), in apple orchards of western Slovenia using two trap typesMojca Rot, Jolanda Persolja, Tanja Bohinc, Ivan Žežlina, Stanislav Trdan, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: Halyomorpha halys, invasive species, population dynamics, landscape diversity, pheromone trap, brown marmorated stink bug, seasonal dynamics, orchards Full text (file, 8,55 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Nastajanje lesa pri alepskem boru z dveh rastišč v Španiji v rastni sezoni 2005Marko Željko, 2011, undergraduate thesis Keywords: alepski bor, Pinus halapensis Mill., nastajanje lesa, kambij, sezonska dinamika, anatomija lesa, Španija, Aleppo pine, Pinus halapensis Mill., wood formation, seasonal dynamics, wood anatomy, Spain Full text (file, 5,71 MB) |
10. Indoor air pollutants and their seasonal monitoring in European museumsIda Kraševec, Jernej Markelj, Abdelrazek Elnaggar, Irena Kralj Cigić, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: volatile pollutants, air monitoring, museum collections, seasonal changes Full text (file, 1,49 MB) This document has more files! More... |