2. Empirical modelling of electricity spot prices and their volatilities in SloveniaSaša Saje Wang, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: energetika, električna energija, trg, modeli, časovne vrste, podatki, ocene, oblikovanje cene, energetics, electricity, market, models, time series, data, evaluation, pricing Full text (outside link) |
3. An analysis of the water sector in the Federation Bosnia and HerzegovinaElvira Mujkić, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: BIH, vodno gospodarstvo, voda, cena, tarife, struktura, oblikovanje cene, trg, vrednotenje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, water supply, water, price, tariffs, structure, pricing, market, valuation Full text (outside link) |
7. Risk management in the natural gas tradingRoman Grah, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: Europe, energetics, gas, trading, risk, risk management, control, portfolio, price, pricing Full text (outside link) |
8. An analysis of the oil shocks using three-pass regression filter factor estimation within the favarMiha Breznikar, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: oil, price, pricing, supply, demand, speculations, models, econometrics, calculations, evaluation, regression analysis Full text (outside link) |
9. An analysis of transfer prices for the company MJernej Schwarzmann, 2020, master's thesis Keywords: Slovenia, tax systems, taxes, taxation, enterprises, transfer pricing, calculations, models, analysis Full text (outside link) |