1. Modeliranje transporta hranil v Tržaškem zalivuMitja Centa, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, Hidrotehnična smer, tridimenzionalni model, matematični model, hranila, celokupni fosfor, fekalne koliformne bakterije, Tržaški zaliv, graduation thesis, three-dimensional model, mathematical model, nutrients, total phosphorus, faecal coliforms, Gulf of Trieste Full text (file, 4,16 MB) |
2. A case study of sewage discharge in the shallow coastal area of the Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Trieste)Patricija Mozetič, Vlado Malačič, Valentina Turk, 2008, original scientific article Keywords: morje, Severni Jadran, evtrofikacija, efluenti, fekalne odplake, TRIX, Jadransko morje, hranilne snovi, fitoplankton, fekalni koliformi, bakterioplankton, Tržaški zaliv, odpadne vode, onesnaževanje, nutrienti, MBP-Piran, obalno morje, Adriatic Sea, eutrophication, faecal coliforms, Gulf of Trieste, bacterioplankton, shallow waters, nutrients, phytoplankton, microbial foodweb, sewage, submarine outfalls Full text (outside link) |
3. Treatment and re-use of raw blackwater by Chlorella vulgaris-based systemMarco Antonio Segovia Bifarini, Miha Žitnik, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Aleksandra Krivograd-Klemenčič, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: feces, urine, wastewater treatment, nutrients, biomass, agriculture Full text (file, 1,39 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Overview of eutrophication-related events and other irregular episodes in Slovenian Sea (Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic sea)Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič, Alenka Malej, 2007, review article Keywords: morje, raziskave morja, fitoplankton, bakterije, nenavadni pojavi, hranilne snovi, eutrofikacija, Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran, sea research, marine research, pyhtoplankton, bacteria, autrophication, nutrients, Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic sea Full text (outside link) |
5. Neufassung der österreichischen "Richtlinien für die sachgerechte Düngung" unter dem Aspekt von Cross Compliance und ihrer nationalen UmsetzungHeide Spiegel, Andreas Baumgarten, Georg Dersch, 2006, original scientific article Keywords: agricultural policy, agricultural legislation, rural legislation, European Union, Austria, grassland management, fertilizer application, farmland, soil conservation, plant nutrients, soil protection Full text (outside link) |
6. Cavitation as a potential technology for wastewater managementMija Sežun, Janez Kosel, Mojca Zupanc, Marko Hočevar, Janez Vrtovšek, Martin Petkovšek, Matevž Dular, 2019, original scientific article Keywords: hydrodynamic cavitation, nutrients, paper mill plants, secondary sludge Full text (file, 1021,35 KB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Phycoremediation of municipal wastewaterDavid Škufca, Ana Kovačič, Franja Prosenc, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, David John Heath, Ester Heath, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: high rate algal pond, contaminants, nutrients, phycoremediation Full text (file, 1,03 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Machine learning strategy for soil nutrients prediction using spectroscopic methodJanez Trontelj, Olga Chambers, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: machine learning, nutrients prediction, soil spectra, soil analysis, soil category, precision farming Full text (file, 1,01 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Responses of freshwater diatoms and macrophytes rely on the stressor gradient length across the river systemsGorazd Urbanič, Barbara Debeljak, Urška Kuhar, Mateja Germ, Alenka Gaberščik, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: diatoms, macrophytes, river, trophic condition, indices, nutrients, land use variables, composite gradient Full text (file, 2,27 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Encapsulation of living photosynthetic organisms in alginate-gelatin hydrogels for controlled cell growth and oxygen productionTilen Kopač, Žan Boček, Katarina Petra Van Midden, Marina Klemenčič, Aleš Ručigaj, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: hydrogels, cell growth, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, oxygen production, mechanical properties, nutrients diffusion coefficient Full text (file, 3,73 MB) This document has more files! More... |