2. Analiza prisotnosti vodne pare v ozračju iz opazovanj GNSSTina Lombar, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: geodezija, TUN, diplomska dela, VSŠ, GNSS meteorologija, troposferska refrakcija, vodna para, opazovanje prisotnosti vodne pare v zraku, graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, GNSS meteorology, tropospheric refraction, water vapor, observing presence of water vaporin the air Full text (file, 2,10 MB) |
3. February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern AdriaticC.E. Dorman, Vlado Malačič, 2006, original scientific article Keywords: morje, Jadransko morje, vetrovi, burja, terenska opazovanja, vetrno polje, severovzhodnik, meteorologija, temperatura zraka, oceanografski podatki, COAMPS, radiosonda, ISMAR-CNR, wind, sea, Adriatic sea, bora, Gulf of Triest, meteorology, air temperature, sea surface temperature, Northern Adriatic, diurnal cycle, RADARSAT, Trieste Jet, oceanography Full text (outside link) |
4. Contribution of traffic and biomass burning to air pollution discriminated with Aethalometer measurements of black carbonIrena Ježek, 2015, doctoral dissertation Keywords: meteorology, air quality, air pollution, aerosols, black carbon, aethalometer model, emission factors, traffic emissions Full text (file, 3,28 MB) |
7. Spremembe padavinskega režima v Sloveniji v zadnjih desetletjihMarija Prijatelj, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: meteorologija, klimatologija, padavine, Slovenija, padavinski režim, oblike padavin, nastanek padavin, količina padavin, vplivi na kmetijstvo, meteorology, climatology, Slovenia, precipitations, rainfall regime, precipitation forms, development of precipitation, agriculture Full text (file, 1,91 MB) |
8. Recent Hadley circulation strengtheningŽiga Zaplotnik, Matic Pikovnik, Lina Boljka, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: meteorology, Hadley circulation, reanalysis, tropics, atmospheric circulation, streamfunction, North Atlantic Oscillation, Pacific decadal oscillation, sea surface temperature, reanalysis data, decadal variability, multidecadal variability, trends Full text (file, 3,04 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Flow-dependent wind extraction in strong-constraint 4D-VarŽiga Zaplotnik, Nedjeljka Žagar, Noureddine Semane, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: meteorology, atmospheric physics, data assimilation, wind, 4D-Var, ensemble, flow-dependent, model error, wind extraction, wind tracing Full text (file, 13,13 MB) This document has more files! More... |