1. Izdelava in uporaba senčilnikov v sodobni računalniški grafikiAleks Huč, 2012, undergraduate thesis Keywords: računalniška grafika, grafična kartica, grafični cevovod, senčilnik, OpenGL, OpenGL Shading Language, Lightweight Java Game Library, Java, računalniške igre, teselacija, meglenje scene, sistem delcev, Phongom model osvetljevanja, mapiranje senc, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, univerzitetni študij, diplomske naloge Full text (file, 6,52 MB) |
2. The NCD programming languageAmbrož Bizjak, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: programming language, bactracking, roll-back, event-driven, asynchronous, network configuration, computer science, computer and information science, computer science and mathematics, diploma Full text (file, 536,06 KB) |
7. Sarcasm detection with transfer learning from multiple sourcesLazar Đoković, 2024, undergraduate thesis Keywords: natural language processing, large language models, sarcasm detection, neural machine translation, BERT model, GPT model, Llama model Full text (file, 1,13 MB) |
9. Mnenje bodočih učiteljev (razrednega pouka) o rabi slovenskega knjižnega jezika pri poukuLara Godec Soršak, Mira Metljak, 2020, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: Pedagoška fakulteta, slovenski knjižni jezik, razredni pouk, Faculty of Education, Slovene standard language, primary teacher education Full text (file, 941,42 KB) This document has more files! More... |