1. Human resource activities of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)Gyanesh Jha, 2008, master's thesis Keywords: Indija, jeklarska industrija, industrijsko podjetje, Steel Authority of India Limited, poslovanje podjetje, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, kadri, kariera, razvoj, mednarodne primerjave, India, steel industry, industrial enterprises, Steel Authority of India Limited, human resource management, personnel, career, development, international comparisons Full text (outside link) |
2. Beyond GDPIskra Sokolovska, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: ekonomski razvoj, ekonomska rast, bruto domači proizvod, psihologija, človeški kapital, zdravje, finance, institucije, okolje, sreča, economic development, economic growth, gross domestic product, psychology, human capital, health, finance, institutions, environment, happiness Full text (outside link) |
3. The development of authentic leadership and positive psychological capitalZage Filipovski, 2014, master's thesis Keywords: Makedonija, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, vodenje, psihologija, razvoj, osebnost, organizacija, case study, zavarovalstvo, podjetje, Triglav Osiguruvanje, Macedonia, human resource management, leadership, psychology, development, personality, organization, case study, insurance, enterprises, Triglav Osiguruvanje Full text (outside link) |
4. Determinants of SME growth in KosovoAlbina Kastrati, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: Kosovo, podjetništvo, majhna podjetja, srednja podjetja, razvoj, človeški kapital, podjetje, karakteristike, Kosovo, entrepreneurship, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises, development, human capital, enterprises, characteristics Full text (outside link) |
5. The development and improvement of human resource management through teaching and the basic principles of islamDalila Selimović Karalić, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, islam, razvoj, izboljšave, vodenje, motiviranje, komuniciranje, kultura, čustvena inteligentnost, human resource management, Islam, development, improvements, leadership, motivation, communications, culture, emotional intelligence Full text (outside link) |
6. Human resource development governance in the tourism industryEleonora Provozin, 2015, master's thesis Keywords: Avstralija, turizem, uporaba človeških zmogljivosti, razvoj, sposobnosti, znanje, mednarodne primerjave, Australia, tourism, human resource management, development, skills, knowledge, international comparisons Full text (outside link) |
9. Does human infrastructure shape scent marking in a solitary felid?Miha Krofel, Lan Hočevar, Maximilian L. Allen, other scientific articles Keywords: evrazijski ris, Lynx lynx, označevanje, teritorialnost, vonjalne oznake, ceste, cestna infrastruktura, Eurasian lynx, human development, Lynx lynx, roads, urine marking Full text (file, 350,54 KB) |
10. Management of HR processesAndriana Popovska, 2019, master's thesis Keywords: international corporation, Cosmic Development, company performance, personnel activities, management, human resource management, business process, analysis, improvements Full text (outside link) |