1. Koncept etnične enodimenzionalnosti francoskega državljanstva v pogojih globalizacijeJernej Pikalo, 1999, original scientific article Keywords: državljanstvo, Francija, globalizacija, narodna pripadnost, narodna identiteta, citizenship, France, globalization, national identity, national belonging Full text (outside link) |
2. Vzgoja za medije na SlovenskemKarmen Erjavec, Zala Volčič, 1998, original scientific article Keywords: vzgoja, množični mediji, državljanska vzgoja, vzgoja za medije, šolski predmeti, konstrukcija realnosti, citizenship education, mass media, citizenship, education for media, school subjects, construction of reality Full text (outside link) |
4. The current discussion on Austrian family benefits - indicating a major dissensus on the interpretation of EU lawAlexander Balthasar, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: family benefits, citizenship of the Union, nationality, principles of equal treatment/non-discrimination, rights of the child, principle of conferral, Treaties amendment clauses, assessment of validity of EU law Full text (file, 575,88 KB) This document has more files! More... |
5. The excluded amongst the excluded?Petra Testen Koren, Ana Cergol Paradiž, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: servants, Trieste, post-war transitions, gender history, census, migrations, citizenship Full text (file, 2,00 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Redefining citizenship after empire: the rights to welfare, to work and to remain in a post-habsburg worldDominique Kirchner Reill, Ivan Jeličić, Francesca Rolandi, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: citizenship, breakup of Habsburg monarchy, interwar period, nationalism, national states, Rijeka, historiography Full text (file, 374,19 KB) |
7. Adult education and citizenship education in global timesBilyaminu Bello Inuwa, Dino Mancarella, Taiwo Olatunji, Paola Rigoni, Lisa Breitschwerdt, Borut Mikulec, 2023, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Keywords: adult learning, adult education, comparative adult eduction, policy, adult education policy, citizenship education Full text (file, 2,13 MB) This document has more files! More... |