1. Changes in the phenolic compounds of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) induced by infection with Verticillium nonalfalfae, the causal agent of hop Verticillium wiltUrban Kunej, Maja Mikulič Petkovšek, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: Humulus lupulus, Verticillium nonalfalfae, fungal infection, phenolic compounds, plant–pathogen interactions Full text (file, 1,65 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Funkcijska analiza kandidatnih efektorskih proteinov glive Verticillium nonalfalfaeHelena Volk, 2019, doctoral dissertation Keywords: fitopatogene glive, Verticillium nonalfalfae, efektor, efektorji, efektorski proteini, verticilijska uvelost, hmelj, VnaChtBP, VnaSSP4.2, hitin, lipidi Full text (file, 5,12 MB) |
4. Identifikacija in opis malih molekul RNA pri fitopatogeni glivi Verticillium nonalfalfaeTaja Jeseničnik, 2020, doctoral dissertation Keywords: RNA-interferenca, milRNA, sekvenciranje NGS, AGO, DCL, RdRP, fitopatogene glive, Verticillium nonalfalfae, hmelj, verticilijska uvelost hmelja Full text (file, 8,64 MB) |
6. Discovery of microRNA-like small RNAs in pathogenic plant fungus Verticillium nonalfalfae using high-throughput sequencing and qPCR and RLM-RACE validationTaja Jeseničnik, Nataša Štajner, Sebastjan Radišek, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Katarina Košmelj, Urban Kunej, Jernej Jakše, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: Verticillium nonalfalfae, RNA interference, microRNA-like RNAs, fungal pathogen, plant-pathogen interactions Full text (file, 2,52 MB) This document has more files! More... |
7. Core RNA interference genes involved in miRNA and ta-siRNA biogenesis in hops and their expression analysis after challenging with Verticillium nonalfalfaeUrban Kunej, Jernej Jakše, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: Humulus lupulus, Verticillium nonalfalfae, fungal infection, RNA interference, plant–pathogen interactions, small RNA Full text (file, 2,99 MB) This document has more files! More... |
8. Identification and characterization of Verticillium nonalfalfae-responsive microRNAs in the roots of resistant and susceptible hop cultivarsUrban Kunej, Jernej Jakše, Sebastjan Radišek, Nataša Štajner, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: Humulus lupulus, Verticillium nonalfalfae, biotic stress, microRNA, high-throughput sequencing Full text (file, 2,01 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Karakterizacija efektorskega proteina Vna7.443 iz glive Verticillium nonalfalfaeKlemen Dretnik, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: fitopatogene glive, hemibiotrof, Verticillium nonalfalfae, efektorski protein, verticilijska uvelost, hmelj, Vna7.443, WD40, tandemske ponovitve Full text (file, 2,34 MB) |
10. Priprava flourescenčno označenih efektorskih proteinov VnaSSP4.2 in Vna7.443 z namenom razumevanja njihove funkcijeMartin Bole, 2022, master's thesis Keywords: hmelj, fitopatogena gliva, Verticillium nonalfalfae, efektor, heterologna ekspresija, Vna7.443, VnaSSP4.2, MORN 1, tandemske ponovitve Full text (file, 5,99 MB) |