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1. Zanesljivost in skladnost sodnic pri sojenju artističnosti na gredi Nina Majer, 2013, undergraduate thesis Keywords: športna gimnastika, ženske, gred, tekmovanje, pravila, sojenje, zanesljivost, svetovno prvenstvo, Tokio 2011, SPSS, Friedman Kendall W-test |
2. Ocenjevanje esejev s strojnim učenjem TJAŠA PERNUŠ, 2016, undergraduate thesis Keywords: ocenjevanje esejev, strojno učenje, globoke nevronske mreže, nevronska mreža, Friedman-Nemenyi test |
3. Statistical comparison of machine learning algorithms with respect to multiple performance measures Lara Dular, 2018, master's thesis Keywords: comparison of machine learning algorithms, pairwise comparison, comparative studies, multiple performance measures, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Friedman test, Pareto front |