1. Razlike v razvitosti območij glede na gostoto poseljenosti in upoštevanje tega kriterija pri izvajanju razvojnih politik v kmetijstvuVesna Erhart, 2007, master's thesis Keywords: regije, regionalni razvoj, prebivalstvo, kmetijstvo, podježelje, razvoj, agrarna politika, strukturni skladi, subvencije, raziskave, analiza Full text (outside link) |
9. Payments for conservation of animal genetic resources in agricultureLuka Juvančič, Renata Slabe Erker, Marko Ogorevc, Adam G. Drucker, Emil Erjavec, Danijela Bojkovski, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: animal genetic resources, local breeds, economic valuation, conservation tender, agri-environmental measures Full text (file, 1,51 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. The role of industrial revival in untapping the bioeconomy’s potential in Central and Eastern EuropeMarko Lovec, Luka Juvančič, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: bioeconomy, STI–DUI innovation modes, drivers of innovation, transition pathways, Central and Eastern Europe, European Union, post-COVID recovery Full text (file, 762,73 KB) This document has more files! More... |