1. Slovenian pet owners' experience, attitudes, and predictors regarding cannabinoid use in dogs and catsKaterina Tomsič, Kristina Rakinić, Alenka Seliškar, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: cannabinoid, attitudes, experience, predictors, dogs, cats, survey, postmodern health values, questionnaires Full text (file, 226,19 KB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Validation of the Slovene Functions of Identity Scale with a sample of emerging adultsAnže Baš, Kristina Rakinić, Timotej Glavač, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: identity, Functions of identity scale FIS, psychometrics, emerging adulthood, Purpose in life test PIL, General self-efficacy scale GSE, Extended objective measure of ego identity status EOM-EIS-2, Satisfaction with life scale SWLS, Zimbardo time perspective inventory ZTPI Full text (file, 863,46 KB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Izkušnje tujih študentov na Univerzi v Ljubljani v okviru visokošolskih in integracijskih politikAnastasia Stanković, Mateja Firez, Milena Gligorova, Anja Miletić, 2025, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: tuji študenti, analiza politik, integracija, visoko šolstvo Full text (file, 2,81 MB) |