1. Analiza gibanja pozitivnih ionov v plazmi pred negativno ploščato elektrodo, ki oklepa majhen kot s homogenim magnetnim poljem z uporabo simulacij delec v celiciJan Kotnik Klovar, 2018, undergraduate thesis Keywords: plazma, ionske orbite, fuzija, električno polje, magnetno polje, simulacije delec v celici Full text (file, 3,54 MB) |
7. Diagnostika šibko magnetizirane razelektritvene plazme v linearni magnetizirani plazemski napraviUrša Beguš, 2020, undergraduate thesis Keywords: plazma, Langmuirova sonda, emisijska sonda, karakteristika sonde, potencial lebdenja, plazemski potencial, temperatura elektronov, gostota plazme Full text (file, 2,04 MB) |
9. One-dimensional, multi-fluid model of the plasma wall transition. I. Hot electronsTomaž Gyergyek, Leon Kos, Stefan Costea, Miha Gyergyek, Jernej Kovačič, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: plasma, sheath, Bohm criterion, temeperature electron distribution Full text (file, 5,34 MB) This document has more files! More... |
10. Analysis of ion orbits in front of a negative planar electrode immersed in an oblique magnetic fieldTomaž Gyergyek, Nik Stopar, Stefan Costea, Jernej Kovačič, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: plasma, divertor, fusion, Larmor radius, magnetic field Full text (file, 11,54 MB) This document has more files! More... |