1. Microstructure and texture evolution with relation to mechanical properties of compared symmetrically and asymmetrically cold rolled aluminum alloyJakob Kraner, Peter Fajfar, Heinz Palkowski, Goran Kugler, Matjaž Godec, Irena Paulin, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: cold rolling, industrial aluminium alloy, mechanical properties, microstructures, asymmetric rolling, aluminum alloy, planar anisotropy Full text (file, 5,03 MB) This document has more files! More... |
2. Sinteza in karakterizacija selektivno lasersko pretaljene zlitine AlSi10MgNejc Velikajne, 2021, master's thesis Keywords: selektivno lasersko pretaljevanje, 3D tisk, zlitina AlSi10Mg, karakterizacija, poroznost, mikrostruktura, mehanske lastnosti. Full text (file, 9,43 MB) |
3. Thermodynamic behavior of Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-Ag powder mixtures during selective laser meltingJakob Kraner, Jože Medved, Matjaž Godec, Irena Paulin, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: FeMn alloys, powder metallurgy, differential scanning calorimetry, selective laser melting, ε-martensite Full text (file, 5,96 MB) This document has more files! More... |
4. Corrosion on polished and laser-textured surfaces of an Fe-Mn biodegradable alloyMatej Hočevar, Črtomir Donik, Irena Paulin, Aleksandra Kocijan, Franc Tehovnik, Jaka Burja, Peter Gregorčič, Matjaž Godec, 2017, original scientific article Keywords: Fe-Mn alloy, laser texturing, corrosion, biodegradable, EDS analyses Full text (file, 2,76 MB) |
5. Improved biodegradability of Fe-Mn alloy after modification of surface chemistry and topography by a laser ablationČrtomir Donik, Aleksandra Kocijan, Irena Paulin, Matej Hočevar, Peter Gregorčič, Matjaž Godec, 2018, original scientific article Keywords: Fe-Mn alloy, laser ablation, biodegradability, surface engineering, XPS depth profiles Full text (file, 1,92 MB) This document has more files! More... |
6. Homogenisation efficiency assessed with microstructure analysis and hardness measurements in the EN AW 2011 aluminium alloyMaja Vončina, Aleš Nagode, Jože Medved, Irena Paulin, Borut Žužek, Tilen Balaško, 2021, original scientific article Keywords: EN AW 2011 aluminium alloy, thermodynamic equilibrium, intermetallic phases, eutectic, homogenisation, hardness Full text (file, 3,77 MB) This document has more files! More... |