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1. Računalniške igre z elektronskim učenjem Blaž Leban, 2010, undergraduate thesis Keywords: elektronsko učenje, interaktivno okolje |
2. Težki nevtrini na $Z$ polu Blaž Leban, 2019, master's thesis Keywords: Standardni model, $Z$ bozon, razpadna širina, sipalni presek, Majoranovi fermioni, Levo - desno simetrični model, nevtralni tok, težki desnoročni nevtrini, gugalnični mehanizem, Monte Carlo simulacije |
3. Search for type-II seesaw mechanism processes with same charge leptons in the final states with the ATLAS detector Blaž Leban, 2023, doctoral dissertation Keywords: ATLAS, CERN, LHC Run 2, left-right symmetry, type-II seesaw, Zee-Babu model, machine learning, boosted decision trees, neural networks, same-charge leptons, doubly charged Higgs, lepton flavour violation |