1. Effect of the dynamic response of a side-wall pressure measurement system on determining the pressure step signal in a shock tube using a time-of-flight methodAndrej Svete, Francisco Javier Hernández Castro, Jože Kutin, 2022, original scientific article Keywords: time-varying pressure, primary calibration method, diaphragmless shock tubes, time-of-flight method, shock wave velocity, piezoelectric pressure measurement systems, uncertainty analysis Full text (file, 1,16 MB) This document has more files! More... |
3. Procesiranje signalov magnetometrov v vztrajnostni merilni enotiKatja Kač, 2022, undergraduate thesis Keywords: vztrajnostna merilna enota, korekcija, magnetometeri, magnetno polje, trdno-železni učinek, mehko-železni učinek, programska koda, vključek Full text (file, 2,71 MB) |
7. Izbira optimalne metode merjenja preostale vlage v celulozni izolaciji transformatorjaJože Okorn, 2021, master's thesis Keywords: vlažnost, transformator, sušenje, celulozna izolacija, gravimetrija, Karl Fischer, rosiščni vlagomer Full text (file, 4,67 MB) |
8. A method for correcting the high-frequency mechanical vibration effects in the dynamic calibration of pressure measurement systems using a shock tubeAndrej Svete, Eynas Amer, Gustav Jönsson, Jože Kutin, Fredrik Arrhén, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: shock tubes, piezoelectric pressure measurement systems, vibrations, acceleration-induced error, frequency response, uncertainty analysis Full text (file, 5,46 MB) This document has more files! More... |
9. Vpliv tlačne povezovalne cevke na meritve gleženjskega indeksaNejka Pažon, 2023, master's thesis Keywords: gleženjski indeks, tlačne povezovalne cevke, merilniki krvnega tlaka, oscilometrična metoda, tlačni merilni sistemi, frekvenčni odziv, prenosna funkcija Full text (file, 2,80 MB) |