Each built object must be controlled after completion the construction. For the purposes of geodetic monitoring it is necessary to establish a geodetic network and stabilize the control points on the object. The master’s thesis describes the establishment of the test base and the measurement of the horizontal network in Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre in Idrija for monitoring the convergence profiles. The task deals with the process of setting up the test base and the different ways of determining the point coordinates of convergence profiles. Three basic methods of carrying out measurements with a classical terrestrial measurement are presented, which differ in the choice of the starting point for the determination of the stand (starting from the geodetic network points, of blind polygon or a stable profile). Observations were adjusted in seven ways and thus obtained the point coordinates. In the following tasks, the 1D, 2D and 3D coordinate points differences were calculated and checked whether these differences were statistically significantly different in terms of accuracy. An alternative determination of movements is the execution of measurements with a terrestrial laser scanner and determination parameters of the surfaces around points, based on a cloud point. The establishment of the test base and the measurement represents zero measurement for all subsequent observations. The results of this task will be used in the exercises of subject Geodetic Surveying II.