Number is a mathematical concept that shapes and limits our everyday life, in various forms (time reading and timing, knowledge assessment, revenue, expenses ...). When teaching higher numbers, it is of the utmost importance to choose the right approach if we want to reach the stage where the child understands the concept of a number, and gradually expends that knowledge with and extended range of already familiar numbers. This approach has a great influence on students' motivation to participate in a task, what is more, it challenges their mental activity.
The Master's thesis deals with the content of the teaching of natural numbers at the primary school education. We defined the notion of a natural number, the development of numerical representations in a child and Dienes's principles of teaching and learning mathematics. The work focuses primarily on finding the answer to the question: »How to approach the learning of natural numbers to pupils?« In response, there are presented the components of the learning approach which are considered essential to bring pupils closer to the learning topic, stimulates their motivation and trigger their mental and physical activity. We highlighted the importance of the use of different representations, the implementation of didactic games, the solving of mathematical problems, the integration of the principles of realistic mathematics, the use of diverse learning methods and forms and the implementation of differentiation and individualisation of work. Individual components of learning approach are supported by concrete examples of activities that can serve as a guideline for teachers.
The empirical part presents the findings of the analysis of questionnaires for teachers and pupils of the fourth grades, as well as the analysis of the introductory lesson plans for teaching numbers up to ten thousand. The purpose of the research was to determine the views of the fourth grade teachers and pupils on the approach used for teaching natural numbers up to ten thousand, and to confront teachers with pupils` views. On the basis of the findings, we want to offer teachers an insight into the possibilities of adapting the teaching approach in a way to reach the wishes and needs of pupils.
The results showed that the majority of teachers already respects the principles of good teaching practice, since the most important criterion in planning their lessons is the motivation of pupils and the integration of knowledge with their experience. Most of teacher checks the previous-knowledge of pupils and adapt the tasks (they perform differentiation and individualization of work) and use various concrete tools, while they also include motivational activities such as didactic games, problem solving and tasks of fun mathematics. Only in the choice of the dominant learning form – the frontal and the ways of revision, which is still most often done through solving tasks in a workbook, most teachers remain in traditional frames. The overwhelming general attitude of pupils (regardless of gender) is to change more or at least some kind of thing in a teacher's teaching approach. The most critical are in the learning forms, where they want more work in pairs and groups and more use of information-communication technology. Pupils also gave some interesting suggestions, such as the possibility of outdoor learning and collaborative learning by making posters.