
Vsebnosti fenolnih spojin v plodovih Lamarckove šmarne hrušice (Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed.) in njihova obstojnost pri različnih načinih ekstrakcije
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MD5: 2296B840E30BD5AE87B34A27F8FB0795
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f6c48404-3819-4cc2-b99b-7891a1348394

V poskusu smo želeli ugotoviti, katere fenolne spojine in v kakšnih vsebnostih so zastopane v plodovih Lamarckove šmarne hrušice (Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed.) nabranih v užitni zrelosti. Proučevali smo tudi, s katerim načinom in topilom se iz plodov ekstrahira največjo vsebnost fenolnih spojin. Na plodovih smo izmerili tudi barvne parametre C*, h in L* ter pH soka. Povprečni C* je bil 35,3, h 350,9 ter L* 14,2. Povprečni pH soka je bil 4,00, kar pomeni, da je sok precej kisel. Vsebnosti fenolnih spojin smo izmerili s sistemom visokoločljivostne tekočinske kromatografije (HPLC). V poskusu smo fenolne spojine iz plodov ekstrahirali na pet načinov, ki smo jih opredelili kot kontrola, alkoholni ekstrakt, sok, toplotna obdelava ter vodni ekstrakt. V plodovih s kontrolno ekstrakcijo je med derivati hidroksicimetnih kislin prevladovala klorogenska kislina (3594 ± 219 mg/kg suhe mase), med flavanoli epikatehin (353 ± 26 mg/kg suhe mase), med antocianini derivati cianidina (853 ± 81 mg/kg suhe mase) ter med flavonoli glikozidi kempferola (1133 ± 52 mg/kg suhe mase) in kvercetina (829 ± 38 mg/kg suhe mase). Na splošno je bilo pri kontroli in v alkoholnem ekstraktu analizirana značilno največja vsebnost posameznih kot tudi skupnih fenolnih spojin. Pri toplotni obdelavi smo identificirali 41, v soku 35 ter v vodnem ekstraktu 24 fenolnih spojin. Najboljši učinek ekstrakcije je bil z alkoholom, kjer smo uporabili kot topilo 62,5 % etanol. Za učinkovito ekstrakcijo fenolnih spojin priporočamo kot topilo 62,5 % etanol.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:fenolne spojine, Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed., ekstrakcija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[A. Jagodič]
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-99335 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:8903289 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:14.01.2018
Število ogledov:1519
Število prenosov:928
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Contents of phenolic compounds in fruits of juneberry (Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed.) and their stability at different extraction methods
The aim of the experiment was to identify phenolic compounds and analyze their content in the Juneberry fruits (Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed.). The fruits were sampled in their edible maturity. The purpose of the study was to determine which solvent and extraction method could achieve the best extraction of phenolic from the fruits. The colour parameters of fruits (C*, h and L*) and the pH of the juice were also measured. The average value of the C* parameter was 35.3, while the parameter h was 350.9 and the parameter L* 14.2. The average pH of the juice was 4, which means that the Juneberry juice is quite acidic. The content of phenolic compounds was determined by a high pressure liquid chromatography system (HPLC). In the experiment, the phenolic compounds from the fruits were extracted by five methods and organized as: control, alcohol extract, juice, heat treatment and aqueous extract. In the control extraction, chlorogenic acid (3594 ± 219 mg/kg dry mass) was predominant among hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives. The most dominant representative among other phenolic groups were: epicatechin among flavanol derivatives (353 ± 26 mg/kg dry mass), cyanidin among anthocyanins (853 ± 81 mg/kg dry mass) and kaempferol (1133 ± 52 mg/kg dry mass) and quercetin glycosides (829 ± 38 mg/kg dry mass) among flavonols. Generally, most of the individual phenolic compounds and total phenolics were analyzed in the control treatment and in the alcohol extract. After the heat treatment, 41 phenolic compounds were analyzed, 35 in juice and 24 in aqueous extract. The best extraction was obtained with alcohol (62.5% ethanol). For the efficient extraction of phenolic compounds, 62.5% ethanol is recommended as a solvent.

Ključne besede:fenol compounds, Amelanchier lamarckii F. G. Schroed., extraction

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