Master's diploma thesis, which discusses sociological aspect on permanent judicial mandate, researches the description of permanent judicial mandate and its regulation in the Slovenian legal order, the outline of the legal culture meaning for the legal system, and an attempt of a legal culture presentation based on an example of the permanent judicial mandate.
Legal theory is not unified about the appropriateness of permanent judicial mandate. However, it is indisputable that its purpose is to provide independence of judicature from the public influences and every political authority. Therefore, the judicial mandate is permanently arranged in the Slovenian legal order as well.
Legal culture, which is divided into general and professional, is an important ingredient of the legal state principle, which is one of the central principles of the Slovenian legal order and the international law. Therefore, the legal culture about the permanent judicial mandate is exceptionally important because understanding and evaluating of the permanent judicial function might influence the judicial independence principle, which is also one of the supporting principles of the modern legal order and a basic human right.
Legal culture about the permanent judicial mandate, which has been established by the interviews with the representatives of the institutions where they are the actors of the legal social roles and the representatives of parliamentary political parties, shows that all the interviewees understand the purpose of the permanent judicial function. Besides that, they all strive in one way or the other for stronger judicial proficiency and quality of judicial decisions. They all place great importance to the permanent judicial mandate as one of the elements of the judicial independence.