In this master's thesis, the limits of generating high-harmonic torque compo-
nents at electric machines have been studied.
Within the first part of the thesis the theoretical limit of generating high fre-
quency torque components is studied on the system with DC electric machine.
Firstly, the limit of generating high-harmonic torque components is mathemati-
cally determined, and then conrmed by the simulation. At the end of the first
part, the influence of the proportional-integral controller on the limit of genera-
ting high-harmonic torque components is also shown.
In second part the theory of generating high-torque components is transfer-
red to the system with permanent magnet synhronus machine (PMSM). This is
followed by simulations which confirm the theory of generating high-harmonics
torque components in system with PMSM electric machine.
In the last part of this master's thesis, simulations and measurements were
made on a system with PMSM machine. The main purpose of measurments
were evaluating theoretical and simulation results. The results showed, that with
this theory we can determine the limit of generating high-harmonic components
torque of the machine relatively well.