In the master's thesis, immigration flows and incoming commuting flows in Slovenia are analysed. Analysis was performed using two regression methods for the period of thirteen years between 2000 and 2013. We estimated influence of independent variables to immigration flows and influence to incoming commuting flows for the whole country using global method OLS. Using local method GWR, we estimated influence of independent variables in each local community. Incoming commuting flows are treated as substitute for immigration flows. The results of both analyses were compared for each explanatory variable. The results of global method OLS were compared between consecutive years 2000 and 2013. But with local method GWR, immigration flows were compared between years 2004 and 2007, and incoming commuting flows between years before, during and after the economic crisis in Slovenia. In order to assure a more thorough explanation of results, tables and graphical display are included. We concluded that Ljubljana is an important regional centre throughout the period under review. It attracts incoming commuting flows, and consequently attracts immigration flows to its surroundings.