The author of this thesis elaborates on issues regarding the doctrine of changed circumstances (clau-sula rebus sic stantibus) specifically in the field of Slovenian insurance contract law with comparative view of Principles of European Insurance Contract Law. Changed circumstances which result in diffi-culties to meet contractual obligations and incompliance with initial contractual purpose are first dealt within the scope of Slovenian general institute which aims to establish initial equilibrium between the obligations of the contractual parties. Established overview of the general institute serves as a base for detailed analysis of mentioned institute within the framework of the insurance contract law. The au-thor examines the questions of what are the relevant circumstances that establish the need for applica-tion of analysed institute and what is its influence on party’s contractual rights and obligations. Fur-thermore, the author explains which circumstances entitle the parties with the right to terminate the contract, when do the changed circumstances result in the right to adjust the initially stipulated con-tract and when is the insurer entitled to withhold the payment of the compensation in the case of in-sured event. At the same time, the analysis establishes the differences in applicability of the general institute and the lex specialis within the Slovenian legal system. Lastly, the author compares the insti-tute of changed circumstances in the insurance contract imposed by Slovenian law with the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law.