
ID Ločičnik, Mateja (Avtor), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: BD51972DB8B98AC0E99EC610267ACE10
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8077189f-991b-41b9-8e6e-dc469b0953cd

V magistrskem delu z naslovom Uresničevanje smernic projekta Starosti prijazno mesto v Mestni občini Ljubljana (MOL) avtorica prikazuje rezultate evalvacijske raziskave uresničevanja smernic projekta šest let po pristopu MOL v Globalno mrežo starosti prijaznih mest. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu avtorica predstavlja problematiko staranja prebivalstva, starejše kot ranljivo skupino v družbi, koncept kakovostne starosti, participacijo starejših v družbi ter odziv družbe na starajočo se populacijo. Opiše značilnosti projekta Starosti prijazno mesto ter pridružitev MOL k projektu. V empiričnem delu avtorica prikazuje rezultate pionirske raziskave uresničevanja smernic omenjenega projekta na primeru enega sklopa (Spoštovanje in vključevanje v družbo). Raziskava je potekala na način anketiranja prebivalcev MOL, starih nad 50 let, od katerih večji del predstavljajo obiskovalci vseh enot Dnevnih centrov aktivnosti za starejše (DCA). Pomen rezultatov raziskave avtorica predstavlja v treh korakih. Najprej analizira rezultate raziskave in jih sooča z mnenji ljubljanskih meščanov iz raziskave Starosti prijazna Ljubljana (2010). Nadalje rezultate sooča z izsledki raziskav znotraj istega projekta na primeru treh mest iz tujine. V tretjem koraku na podlagi obstoječih akcijskih načrtov MOL analizira ukrepe in cilje znotraj proučevanega sklopa ter ugotavlja, ali se navezujejo na priporočila WHO. Na podlagi rezultatov lastne in drugih raziskav navaja predloge, ki bi jih bilo mogoče implementirati v akcijske načrte MOL. Namen raziskave je vzpodbuditi MOL in druge občine v Sloveniji, ki so pristopile k projektu Starosti prijazno mesto, k izvajanju evalvacijskih raziskav celotnega projekta, pri čemer bi ugotovitve upoštevali pri pripravi politik, programov in strategij.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:projekt Starosti prijazno mesto, Mestna občina Ljubljana, spoštovanje in vključenost, evalvacija, staranje prebivalstva, kakovostna starost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FU - Fakulteta za upravo
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96340 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:28.09.2017
Število ogledov:1745
Število prenosov:465
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
The author in the master's thesis Implementation of the Age-friendly Cities project guidelines in the City municipality of Ljubljana (City of Ljubljana) (MOL) presents evaluation research's findings on the implementation of the project guidelines, six years after MOL joined the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities. The master's thesis is divided into a theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, the author presents the problem of aging population, vulnerability of older people, the concept of good quality of old age, the participation of the elderly in society, and the society's response to the aging population. She describes the characteristics of the Age-friendly Cities project and the association of MOL to the project. In the empirical part, the author presents the results of a pioneering research on the implementation of the guidelines of the Age-friendly Cities project in MOL in the case of one of the Project's lots (Respect and social inclusion). The field research was conducted in the way of surveying the inhabitants of MOL who were over fifty years old. Most of respondents were members of all units of the Day Care Centers for Older Persons (DCA). The author presents the significance of the research findings in three steps. She first analyzes the results of the research and compares them to the opinions of Ljubljana citizens from the Age-friendly Ljubljana Research (2010). Furthermore, the results are compared to the findings of research within the same project in the case of three cities from abroad. In the third step, on the basis of existing MOL action plans, she analyzes the measures and objectives within the study and finds out whether they are sufficiently related to the WHO recommendations. Based on the results of this and other research, she presents suggestions that could be implemented in the action plans of MOL in the future. The purpose of the research is to encourage MOL and other municipalities in Slovenia, who have joined the Age-friendly Cities project, to carry out evaluation research of the entire project and taking into account the findings in the preparation of policies, programs and strategies.

Ključne besede:Age-Friendly Cities project, City municipality of Ljubljana (City of Ljubljana), respect and social inclusion, evaluation, aging population, good quality of old age

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