Introduction: Brain stroke is clinically defined as a set of neurological failures that last more than 24 hours and are a consequence of disturbed blood flow in the brain, which can be caused by a vein occlusion or bleeding. In order to allow appropriate treatment, radiological engineers need to perform the CT scan in order to find the location of ischemia. Purpose: We want to find out if there is any difference in the quality of the CT investigation if the CT angiography is performed before the CT perfusion or the other way around. Methods: We selected 30 patients suspection of a brain stroke. 15 patients had CT angiography before the CT perfusion and 15 patients had the CT perfusion before the CT angiography. With this retrograde examination we wanted to find out whether the order of CT scans performed influences the interpretation of the results. Results: We found out that on average the main parameters deviate. We found out that CBV and CBF betwen groups differs, on the other hand the valueof TTP does not change. In addition we have performed the measurements in the right and left jugular vein as well as in sagittal sinus, where we found out that there is a difference between the left and right jugular vein between groups, however there is no difference between sagittal sinus. Discusion: We have come to the conclusion that the selection of the protocol influences the results obtained. For the measurement of perfusion parameters, it is preferable to implement a protocol where we first perform perfusion, and for measurements of values in the jugular vein, it is better to make a protocol with previously made angiography. Which protocol is better to do, depends on several factors, and because of this, we did not arrive at accurate results due to insufficient research. Conslusion: With our results we came to the conclusion that the choice of a protocol to prove a stroke is needed. However, in order to determine the correct protocol, a doctor should be consulted and the various factors considered.