
Faktorji vpliva kakovostne obravnave pri zdravljenju kronične bolečine : magistrsko delo
ID Kotar, Viki (Avtor), ID Gošnak Dahmane, Raja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Komentor)

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MD5: FF802982FA10E53555DEE747A969CD5F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d93ff8b5-37a5-49bc-b303-df2b259a241a

Uvod: Kronična bolečina je najpogostejši sindrom iskanja zdravstvene pomoči bolnikov, predstavlja pomemben zdravstveni problem in medicinsko ter tudi negovalno diagnozo. Pomembno vpliva na splošno kvaliteto življenja bolnika in njegovih svojcev. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je identificirati faktorje, ki vplivajo na kakovost pri zdravljenju kronične bolečine, ter spoznati doživljanje kronične bolečine z vidika bolnika, medicinske sestre in zdravnika. Metode dela: Raziskava temelji na triangulaciji podatkov, ki smo jih pridobili s kvantitativno in kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Pripravili smo Vprašalnik o faktorjih, ki vplivajo na kakovostno obravnavo pri zdravljenju kronične bolečine, ki smo ga aplicirali na vzorcu 101 bolnika pred začetkom terapije v Ambulanti za terapijo bolečine v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana. Pri tem so vsi bolniki pred terapijo in po njej rešili tudi Kratek vprašalnik o bolečini, s katerim smo spremljali učinkovitost zdravljenja. Odzivnost anketiranih bolnikov je bila 100 %. Z namenom fenomenološkega raziskovanja doživljanja kronične bolečine smo izvedli delno strukturirane intervjuje s skupinami šestih bolnikov, petih medicinskih sester ter sedmih zdravnikov anesteziologov. Rezultati: Kot statistično pomembni napovedniki učinkovitosti zdravljenja kronične bolečine so se izkazali trajanje kronične bolečine, čakalna doba na terapijo, poznavanje izvora bolečine in zaupanje v predpisano terapijo. S kakovostno obravnavo zdravljenja kronične bolečine so se statistično pomembno povezovali: sodelovanje svojcev, bolnikovo pričakovanje o uspešnosti zdravljenja, čutenje nemoči, bolnikova predhodna izkušnja pri zdravljenju, zaupanje bolnika v izbrano terapijo, zadovoljstvo s predpisano terapijo in slišanost ter razumljenost pri zdravstveni obravnavi. Dokazali smo, da ima sama vrsta terapije vpliv na učinkovitost zdravljenja kronične bolečine. Bolnikovo soodločanje o terapiji in zadovoljstvo s pojasnitvijo in razlago predpisane terapije se nista izkazala kot statistično pomembna faktorja vpliva pri zdravljenju kronične bolečine. Z intervjuji smo identificirali 12 tem, ki opisujejo proces zdravljenja kronične bolečine z vidika bolnika, medicinske sestre in zdravnika. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo na pomembnost multidisciplinarne obravnave bolnika s kronično bolečino in prepoznavanja faktorjev kakovostne obravnave pri zdravljenju kronične bolečine. Udeleženci raziskave so najmanj poudarili oviranost bolnika na različnih področjih življenjskih aktivnosti ter na področju bolnikovega socialnega okolja. Ugotavljamo, da je potrebno razširiti znanje tako s področja spremljanja funkcioniranja in oviranosti bolnikov s kronično bolečino kot tudi sodelovanja z bolnikovimi svojci.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:kronična bolečina, zdravljenje kronične bolečine, anesteziologija, zdravstvena nega
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94364 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5286507 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.08.2017
Število ogledov:4230
Število prenosov:1614
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Factors affecting quality treatment in the management of chronic pain : master's thesis
Introduction: Chronic pain is the most common syndrome and reason of seeking medical attention, it is an important health problem and presents both medical and nursing diagnosis. It has an important influence on the overall quality of life of the patient and his relatives. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to identify the factors that influence the quality of the treatment of chronic pain and to learn about the experience of chronic pain from the perspective of the patient, the nurse and the doctor. Methods of work: The research is based on the triangulation of the data obtained by the quantitative and qualitative research method. We prepared the Questionnaire on factors that influence the quality of treatment of chronic pain. The questionnaire was applied on a sample of 101 patients before the start of therapy at the Clinic for pain therapy at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana. All patients also completed the Brief pain inventory before and after the therapy, with which we estimated the effectiveness of the treatment. The response rate of the surveyed patients was 100 %. With the aim of the phenomenological investigation of the experience of chronic pain, we conducted partially structured interviews with groups of six patients, five nurses and seven doctors of anesthesiology. Results: Statistically significant predictors of the effectiveness of chronic pain therapy were the duration of chronic pain, time of waiting for therapy, knowledge about the pain and trust in the prescribed therapy. Results showed that the cooperation of relatives, the patient's expectation of the treatment success, the feeling of helplessness, the patient's previous treatment experience, the patient's trust in the chosen therapy, satisfaction with the prescribed therapy and the understanding of medical treatment are statistically important linked with the quality of treatment of chronic pain. We have shown that the type of therapy itself has an effect on the effectiveness of treating chronic pain. The patient's co-decision about the therapy and satisfaction with clarification and explanation of the prescribed therapy were not proved to be statistically significant effective at treating chronic pain. With the interviews we identified 12 topics that describe the process of treating chronic pain from the point of view of the patient, the nurse and the doctor. Discussion and conclusion: The results show the importance of multidisciplinary treatment of the patient with chronic pain and the recognition of factors that have influence on quality of treatment of chronic pain. Participants in the study gave the least emphasis on the patient's obstruction in various areas of life activity and in the patient's social environment. We find that it is necessary to expand knowledge in the field of monitoring the functioning and obstruction of patients with chronic pain, as well as cooperation with patients' relatives.

Ključne besede:chronic pain, chronic pain treatment, anesthesia, health care

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