
Ugotavljanje povezanosti kampilobaktrov in salmonel med humanimi vzorci in vzorci izbranih živil (Slovenija, 2004–2013) : korelacijska študija
ID Damiš, Kornelija (Avtor), ID Kraigher, Alenka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Simonović, Zoran (Komentor)

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MD5: 12CC18ACF6C1C6A9F1931F88B5226374
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b192fc93-3894-4c25-8c29-8ac53891ead6

Uvod: Zoonoze so bolezni, ki se po naravni poti prenašajo z živali na človeka. V Sloveniji se zoonoze spremljajo interdisciplinarno v okviru monitoringa zoonoz. Črevesne nalezljive bolezni se prijavljajo in spremljajo v okviru epidemiološkega spremljanja nalezljivih bolezni. Namen: Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti ali med pojavnostjo kampilobakterioz in salmoneloz pri ljudeh in prisotnostjo kampilobaktrov in salmonel v izbranih vzorčenih živilih obstaja povezava. Metode dela: Za ugotavljanje povezanosti pojavljanja kampilobakterioz in salmoneloz pri ljudeh in med prisotnostjo potrjenih kampilobaktrov in salmonel v izbranih živilih smo izvedli retrospektivno korelacijsko (ekološko) študijo. Analizirali smo že zbrane primarne podatke. Količinsko smo opredelili in ocenili osnovne značilnosti proučevanih spremenljivk ter ugotavljali obstoj in jakost zveze med dvema spremenljivkama. Podatke smo statistično obdelali s programom SPSS, izračunali Pearsonov koeficient korelacije ter pripravili trendne grafe in korelacijske diagrame. Rezultati: V opazovanem obdobju 2004–2013 se spremembe v deležu okuženih živil s kampilobaktri in salmonelami ne odražajo na številu vseh prijavljenih primerov kampilobakterioz in salmoneloz pri ljudeh. Incidenčna stopnja kampilobakterioz pri ljudeh je konstantna, prisotnost kampilobaktra v vzorcih živil pa je v porastu. Povezanost je negativna, zmerno močna in statistično ni pomembna (r = –0,41, p > 0,05). Incidenčna stopnja salmoneloz se je v izbranem obdobju izrazito znižala, v vzorcih živil pa prisotnost salmonel raste. Povezava med spremenljivkama je negativna, nizko povezana in statistično nepomembna (r = –0,29, p > 0,05). Zelo močno, statistično značilno povezanost v izbranem časovnem obdobju potrdimo med incidenčno stopnjo salmoneloz pri ljudeh, povzročenih s serotipom S. Enteritidis in deležem okuženih živil s tem serotipom (r = 0,98, p < 0,01); obe spremenljivki imata v obdobju 2004–2013 izrazit trend zniževanja. Incidenčna stopnja salmoneloz pri ljudeh, okuženih s serotipom S. Infantis ali ostalimi salmonelami in delež vseh pozitivnih vzorčenih živil, okuženih s serotipom S. Infantis ali ostalimi salmonelami, imajo izražen trend rasti. Pri incidenčni stopnji salmoneloz pri ljudeh, povzročenih s serotipom S. Typhimurium, in deležu pozitivnih vzorčenih živil govejega in svinjskega mesa, okuženega s tem serotipom, je prisoten trend zniževanja. Med navedenimi spremenljivkami velja pozitivna, srednje visoka povezanost (r = 0,45, r = 0,45 in r = 0,46), ki pa statistično ni pomembna (p > 0,05). Le v obdobju 2004–2011 sta se tako incidenčna stopnja salmoneloz pri ljudeh kot število okuženih živil s salmonelami znižala. Močna, pozitivna, statistično značilna povezanost je tudi med incidenčno stopnjo salmoneloz in deležem okužene perutnine s salmonelami v obdobju 2004–2011 (r = 0,79, p < 0,05). Razprava in sklepi: Hipoteze glede povezave med pojavnostjo vseh kampilobakterioz oziroma salmoneloz in deležem okuženih živil s kampilobaktri oziroma salmonelami nismo potrdili. Nekatere spremembe v deležu okuženih živil se odražajo s spremembami v pogostnosti okužb pri ljudeh. Predvsem se zniževanje pojavljanja serotipa S. Enteritidis v živilih odraža v znižanju pojavnosti okužb s tem serotipom pri ljudeh. Predlagamo implementacijo ukrepov za zmanjševanje črevesnih nalezljivih bolezni, povzročenih s hrano v smislu interdisciplinarnega in medresorskega sodelovanja, preventivnih programov ter ozaveščanja prebivalcev.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:salmoneloze, kampilobakterioze, okužbe z živili, povezava
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94219 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:5288043 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:20.07.2017
Število ogledov:2996
Število prenosov:756
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Association between campylobacter and salmonella in human samples and samples of selected food items (Slovenia, 2004–2013) : correlation study
Introduction: Zoonoses are diseases that can naturally be transmitted from animals to humans. In Slovenia, zoonoses are notifiable and controlled by interdisciplinary zoonosis monitoring program. Zoonozes are reported in the framework of epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to establish whether there is a correlation between the occurrence of campylobacterioses and salmonelloses in humans and the presence of Campylobacter bacteria and Salmonellae in selected sampled food items. Methods: A retrospective correlational (ecological) study was conducted. The already collected primary data was analysed. The quantity of studied variables was defined, their underlying characteristics evaluated, and the existence and strength of correlation between two variables was determined. The data was statistically processed with the SPSS programme, the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated, and trend graphs and correlation diagrams were prepared. Results: In the observed period 2004–2013, the changes in the share of food items infected with Campylobacter bacteria and Salmonellae are not reflected in the number of all reported cases of campylobacterioses and salmonelloses in humans. The incidence rate of campylobacterioses in humans is constant and the presence of Campylobacter bacteria in food samples is on the increase. The correlation is negative, moderately strong, and statistically not significant (r = –0,41, p > 0,05). The incidence rate of salmonelloses has decreased distinctively in the selected period, but the presence of Salmonellae in food samples was increasing. The correlation between the variables is negative, weak and statistically irrelevant (r = –0,29, p > 0,05). A very strong, almost perfect, and statistically distinctive correlation in the selected time period is confirmed between the incidence rate of salmonelloses in humans caused by S. Enteritidis and the share of food items, infected with S. Enteritidis ( = 0,98, p < 0,01); both variables have a distinctive downward trend in the 2004–2013 period. The incidence rate of salmonelloses in humans infected with S. Infantis or other Salmonellae and the share of all positive sampled food items infected with S. Infantis or other Salmonellae have a distinctive growth trend. A downward trend has been noticed in the incidence rate of salmonelloses in humans, caused by S. Typhimurium, and the share of positive sampled food items of beef and pork meat infected with S. Typhimurium. There is a positive, moderately high correlation (r = 0,45, r = 0,45 and r = 0,46) between the abovementioned variables, which is statistically not relevant however (p > 0,05). Only in the 2004 – 2011 period, the incidence rate of salmonelloses in humans as well as the number of food items infected with Salmonellae have been on the decrease. A strong, positive, statistically distinctive correlation has been established between the incidence rate of salmonelloses and the share of Salmonellae-infected poultry in the period of 2004–2011 (r = 0,79, p < 0,05). Discussion and conclusions: The hypothesis of correlation between the incidence of all campylobacterioses or salmonelloses and the share of food items infected with Campylobacter bacteria and Salmonellae is not confirmed. With a more detailed data analysis it is established however that some changes to the share of infected food items are reflected in the change of infection incidence in humans. Especially the decrease of S. Enteritidis incidence in food items is reflected in the decrease of incidence of infections with this serotype in humans. Based on the observations, the implementation of measures for reducing the occurrence of infectious intestinal diseases caused by food items is proposed, more specifically by preventive action, awareness-rising and education of population.

Ključne besede:salmonelloses, campylobacterioses, infections caused by food, correlation

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