Firefighting organisation is a voluntary humanitarian organisation in which children love to participate, which can be seen by their growing numbers every year. Integration of youth in the firefighting organisation improves the quality of their free time. Children learn best through game, which is what mentors succesfully use by integrating practical firefighting skills into normal games. They learn many practical and useful skills, that are needed in everyday life – skills in fire prevention and course of action in case of a natural disaster. Many kindergartens and elementary schools are aware of this, which is why they also started to integrate some firefighting activities into their educational plans.
Volunteering in a fire department also helps children to build their character. Having to work in a team improves their behaviour, teaches them cooperation and respect, and most important, they learn to care for others. They get to know a lot of new friends in their most sensitive period of life, when they are looking for their place in society. Different competitions teach them to respect the rules and sportsmanlike attitude. Practical exercises improve and maintain their physical abilities and endurance.
In addition to parents, mentors in fire departments have the main role in upbringing the children. Mentors are not only teachers to children, but they are also their friends when they need one. Furthermore, because every mentor is also a certified firefighter, children see them as role models and heroes, who help people in their hour of need.