Introduction: Water is a very important element of our planet and it is one of the basic necessities of life. 70 - 85% of the human body consists of water. Water is also the main component of cells, tissues and bodily fluids. Humans are in touch with water even before they are born, as it offers them safety and shelter for nine months before birth. This may explain why most people feel safe and relaxed in it. Water also sooths and relaxes women during childbirth, thus enabling an easier, quicker and better delivery. Purpose: The aim of the research was to present what are the advantages, according to midwives, of water birth; to present its benefits for mother and baby during and after labour, and midwives’ experiences with water births. Methods: For the theoretic part of the thesis the descriptive method was used. The second part consists of a survey of 22 open type questions, prepared with the help of academic literature. Four midwives that have already assisted to water births participated in the survey. Results: The research shows that midwifes agree that water birth benefits mothers and babies. It also shows that midwives have a great deal of experience and knowledge regarding water birth. Discussion and conclusion: Midwives opinions differ extensively from up-to-date academic literature findings; nevertheless, midwives take very good care of women who choose water birth. Even though water birth offers many advantages, very few women actually give birth in water. Midwives and other medical personnel should better inform women and their partners of the possibility and advantages of water birth already during pregnancy.