The article first introduces descriptive results of the survey from around 2002 among the last-year students and graduates of Culturology at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV). The main goal of the survey was fo find associationsbetween students' satisfaction with program and their labour market amployability. Behind this aim was an observation that near-graduate students tend to delay their graduation, what could be a consequence of their worsened employment opportunities at the cultural labour market in Slovenia. Analysis revealed that a majority of students has only partially fulfilled their previous study expectations and wishes. About 16% were satisfied, about 18% were unsatisfied, others had rather mixed feelings concerning their study experiences and satisfaction. Students suggestions on possible changes of the study program were not unified; a variable that strongly differentiated their opinions and suggestions was their 'during-study work experiences': not surprisingly, those not labour-active during their study (a minority) aspired for even more basic (theoretical) study along with a higher specialisation, while those with work experiences (majority) aspired for a much more applied orientation and practical subjects in their study. Triggering question is which of the two groups is to give the main character to a future post-graduate enrollment. Among key findings is also the fact, that only one tenth of the surtveyed population had full-time job at the time of survey. Finally, information from this 2002 research are augmented by few results fromlater studies with similar goals and among similar population; these findings suggest the employability of Culurology graduates from FDV has improved since 2002.