The aim of the thesis was to find out how people with a moderate mental disorder experience sexuality. We wanted to examinate whether sexuality is important for them, whether they talk about it and who they talk to. The research also wanted to establish whether they have a need for tenderness, whether they masturbate and whether they desire to start a family.
37 people with a moderate mental disorder from three mental health care institutions (Varstveno delovni center Tončke Hočevar in Ljubljana Šiška, Stanovanjska skupina Mimoza in Izola and Center za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Črna na Koroškem) took part in the research.
The research showed that people with a moderate mental disorder find sexuality important; however, sexuality is rarely discussed, neither with people with a moderate mental disorder nor with their parents, professionals who work with them or in society in general.
People with a moderate mental disorder need constant education about sexuality. They wish to be touched and kissed and they feel attracted to the opposite sex. Many of them want to have their own family.