Many water distribution systems (WDS) have high percentage of non revenue water (NRW). In order to decrease the volume of NRW, district metered areas (DMAs) are introduced, where hydraulic parameters such as pressure and flow are measured. Knowing the volume of inlet water into the DMA and the volume of revenue water at the demand nodes, it is easy to calculate the volume of NRW. Dividing WDS into different DMAs enables the water management utilities faster identification of water losses and effective control over the whole system. However, there are also some negative effects such as lower pressure and problems related to water quality. The objective is to divide WDS into DMAs in such way that the hydraulic conditions don’t get worse. Many of known methods are limited to small or skeletioned WDS. Therefore our aim is to find a fast and effective algorithm for partitioning complex networks. Among several algorithms the algorithm for spectral partitioning was selected. Some hydraulic parameters are included in the method as input data in order to generate hydraulically suitable solutions. Numerous solutions are obtained, among which the optimal is selected. All of them are tested with program EPANET 2.0 and MATLAB 2015 using the EPANET Programmer Toolkit. The proposed method was also tested on a real case study.