The thesis describes the broadband communication system for public safety, which is based on fourth generation mobile technologies.
The first part describes the existing narrowband technologies that are used for public safety. These technologies are TETRA, TETRAPOL, DMR and P25. After that are described the concepts and requirements set by standards and the network FirstNet. This is followed by a more detailed description of the LTE/EPC systems, which incluede the network elements, the concept of mobility between 3GPP systems, mobility between cells and base station, security extensions of system, methods to ensure the quality of service, mechanisms for virtualization of system resources MVNO and APN, inspection standards in the field of public security and extended functionality (P2T, DMO, Relay Station) of a broadband system for needs of public safety. Finally part of the teoretical section represents a various concepts for the realization of the system BB PPDR over LTE/EPC. Described concepts are Non-Mission Critical Interworking with Commercial Mobile Radio Networks, Partly Mission Critical Roaming with Commercial Mobile Radio Networks, RAN Sharing Scenario and the realization based on Dedicated System LTE/EPC.
For the practical part of thesis, measuerements were made of the existing commercial networks. They were carried out in a suburban enviroment. They included the following parametrs: the time required for the passage of the terminal into a state of activity, round trip time of packages, achieved transfer speeds, the transmission power of terminal and the power of the received signal. The responsiveness and performance of the commercial network is shown in histograms and CDF graphs and tables of key values. The results serve to assess the potential capacity and performance of the communications networks for the purpose of public safety, realized on the basis of the fourth generation mobile technologies.