The present paper deals with counseling processes in the context of counseling at school, counseling pupils, parents, teachers and school team. We introduce a framework for school counselor with the Program guidelines and the Code of Ethics and a set of expected competencies and personal qualities.
The work is based on theoretical principles of system theory, Synergetics and theory of Gestalt approach. Synergetics is a transdisciplinary model in which the central are synergetic generic principles of theory of complexity. The counselor's view shifted from the individual to interactions, promote circular interactions between individuals and the system components that connect and find their own solutions. It focuses on the comparison of similarities and differences of both approaches. We introduce the basic pillars of Gestalt theory: phenomenology, field theory and dialogue, awareness, contact, etc. By understanding the context of the situation through field theory and using dialogue counselor can help to create better quality and cooperative relations. More specifically we introduce the basic concepts of working with individuals and systems.
In the empirical part we analyze three different study cases, presenting them in chronological order, followed by their description in terms of gestalt approach and synergic generic principles added with self-evaluation procedures and self-reflection of the researcher. The purpose of empirical part is to discover the value of both approaches for counseling processes in the primary school.
The findings show us that both are consistent approaches, with the goal to promote stability and confidentiality, strengthen contact and dialogue between all those involved in the process and provide a broader systemic approach in schools. Gestalt principles and synergic process can be applied also to other processes between teachers, students and parents. Furthermore they both support the phenomenological and dialogical methods which are focused on the present, person oriented and in the search for common solutions and sources of power.
Among the most prominent competencies ability is self-awareness in the situations, being present and focused on the here and now, direct and authentic communication, negotiation and mediation skills and language skills of non-violent communication.