This master's thesis describes the platform approach for smart meters' firmware development. In the introductory section of the thesis the basic features of the platform approach and common platform assets are defined. Platform approach is based on the cardinal cascade product development process. In the development phase of the product, V development model is used, which enables concurrent development and testing of smart meters' firmware. Firmware development process is based on principles of agile methods and model driven development. Delivered firmware follows an iterative and incremental paradigm of small improvements over sprints. TFS server is used for infrastructural support of smart meters' development process. IBM Rational Rhapsody is used to develop the overall architecture, detailed design and implementation of identified domains.
The architecture of smart meters is based on domain design pattern. Each domain represents independent functional set of the smart meter. Standalone domain execution is performed through the test harness called CUnit. Different domains are grouped into four (4) top level packages that represent each product. The latter can be freely configured, enabling easier variant and version management of different products. This thesis also describes different design patterns in order to solve – in a standardized manner - challenges presented in the firmware. For architectural and detailed design of components UML is used. The modelling is completely done in IBM Rational Rhapsody tool.
Reasons for choosing model driven approach is justified by the SWOT analysis. IBM Rational Rhapsody tool has been selected based on a comparison of several modelling tools. The last section is dedicated to a comparison between a conventional firmware development and described one