The Masters Thesis presents an innovative concept of a preventive speech therapy programme (PSP). A model of creating an encouraging environment that supports language development of kindergarten children, the PSP provides a range of possibilities for the speech therapist to carry out his/her mission. Unique in the Republic of Slovenia, the model opens new possibilities to further develop interdisciplinary teamwork between the speech therapist and teachers in a kindergarten setting.
The theoretical part defines linguistic ability, viewing language development through several developmental theories, in particular the sociocultural theories of development and learning as well as interaction theories and factors influencing the development of linguistic ability in children. Guidelines for early treatment and preventive work are presented. The innovative PSP concept is described, built around a speech therapist – teacher co-operation model which we elaborated in the course of an innovation project run together with the National Education Institute. Also discussed is the importance of views and their influence on an individual’s behaviour.
The empirical part is based on a survey carried out to analyse the views of kindergarten teachers on the different areas of the PSP (kindergarten activities for supporting language development in children, speech therapist’s activities, developmental and preventive activities, planning and evaluation of speech therapist’s work in the kindergarten) and on integrating the PSP in the kindergarten implementing curriculum, as piloted under the innovation project.
The survey was based on a quantitative approach. A dedicated sample was formulated according to the criteria of teachers’ familiarity with the PSP and their collaboration with the speech therapist as a permanent staff member. The sample was composed of 74 VVZ Kekec Grosuplje kindergarten staff (teachers and assistant teachers) who, as PSP users and co-authors, introduce PSP elements in the life and work in the kindergarten, i.e. its implementing curriculum, thereby helping to create an encouraging environment for child language development in the kindergarten as an institution. The survey proved relevant on a national level as teachers' positive views on the PSP highlighted new opportunities for collaboration between the speech therapist and teachers in the kindergarten. Factor analysis was used to examine the latent PSP questionnaire structure and to explain each PSP area with a small number of factors. Significant statistical differences were identified for the entire PSP between teachers who collaborated with the speech therapist and those who didn’t.
Survey results showed that teamwork with the speech therapist and involvement in the various PSP activities helps teachers to better understand the PSP concept which enables them to recognise their own role in supporting child language development and to introduce PSP elements into kindergarten implementing curriculum. In this way, the teachers – in cooperation with the speech therapist – are able to take an active role in setting up an encouraging environment for language development of kindergarten children while at the same time creating conditions for inter-professional learning.