The introduction to the thesis talks about the Slovenian Railways. A brief history of the railways, a presentation of the current state of the communication infrastructure, and the development project for the modernization of the communication infrastructure which is currently taking place are given.
The diploma includes the implementation of the solutions defined by standards which are used to unify communication systems and railway safety in the European Union. These solutions are presented in the second part of the thesis. The standard ERTMS consists of two subsystems, ETCS and GSM-R. Both subsystems are described in the second chapter.
In the third part GSM-R subsystem and its components are described in more detail. Major emphasis is given on the description of possible solutions for the realization of the transport network. With the transmission network we ensure the connections between the main units of GSM-R network. The transport network description is intended to provide a better understanding of the next part of the thesis.
In the last part the selected solution for the implementation of the transmission network is presented. The selected solution follows the requirements regulated by the standard, the technical requirements of the client and providing the required capacity of the transport network for GSM-R project of Slovenian Railways.