This master's work deals with a current problem amongst youth these days, which is the transitional period between their education itself and their entrance into the labour market. This period is filled with uncertainty, diversity and instability and therefore is only prolonging for some due to social situations. Given the status in society, there are less and less graduates that find jobs right after the completion of their education and consequently more of those who are coping with the so-called »status void« in different ways. In general, it is known that the future of our youth in this world is becoming more and more the responsibility of each individual and it depends on their personal skill, experience, network and also professional competence gained over the course of their education. The educational and work system itself therefore produces so-called »winners« on one side and »losers« on the other. The purpose of empirical work is to check the connection between this and students of social pedagogy right before their entrance into the labour market and also their future work vision. The research subjectsare also their fears, coping and handling with the issue of employment, their plans and work visions for the future, the possible influence on their private life sphere and after all to explore the value of gained competences, the study of pedagogy itself and work experience (student and volunteer) acquired during their studies on their coping with the labour market in future. Rounded up and entirely, it therefore concerns the experiencing and coping with the transition to the labour market from the point of view of social pedagogues. This research is extensively based on the descriptive method and the qualitative research approach, I also used the quantitative approach for needs of describing the basic group. The basic group covers all social pedagogy students that were finishing up the second stage education of the renovated Bologna system in the academic year 2014/15. With the help of a short questionnaire, that provided only a basic understanding on experiencing and coping with the issue at hand and with the experience gained so far in the work field, the basic group was later on divided into subgroups depending on their experience and feelings about the transition itself and their current engagement. With the help of subgroups and the table of experiences, a random sample of six students was appointed, with each of whom an in-depth and semi-structured interview was carried-out later on. In the end, I tried to find possible parallels as well as differences in their storytelling and also linked all of this with theoretical assumptions.