In my graduation thesis I analysed two intersections in Ivančna Gorica, with the greatest congestions during the peak hour. I carried out a capacity analysis with a micro-simulation tool that allows analysis between two intersections and a level railway crossing. There’s a presentation of traffic load, level of service, length of queues and delays for every lane in existing condition for selected intersections and several different rearrangements of the intersections. For the existing condition and the appropriate variants I prepared microsimulation of traffic after twenty years and thus verified the relevance of variants in the planned period. The most optimal solution is to rearrange both intersections into a roundabout.
The major trouble is the proximity of the railway crossing, so the municipality has planned to complete the western bypass with a split-level railway crossing. This would partly relieve the centre of Ivančna Gorica, where the selected intersections are set. The rearrangement of the first intersection into roundabout is planned, but with the available data I have shown that just the reconstruction of one intersection wouldn’t suffice to provide appropriate flow capacity for the area during the plan period.