Possibilities for device internet remote controlling are virtually limitless in modern world. Every user of residential property with own space heating facilities sooner or later requires remote device controlling and regulation of various settings. Older space heating designs on offer are limited in this regard or too expensive for the user.
Presented thesis demonstrates the design of an affordable heating control system that at least technologically savvy user can manufacture on his own. In designing the system, we have used popular, freeware software tools and currently available components. The main purpose of presented thesis is the design of a two-mode furnace controlling system. The first mode is through a mechanical potentiometer module installed next to the furnace, the second is through Internet remote controlling. Web interface also provides for the device on-off function.
Raspberry Pi 2 microcontroller module was chosen as the core of this system, run by an Apache server, enabling PHP and HTML control of Raspberry Pi remotely over the web interface. On the other hand, the Raspberry Pi uses GP-I/O pins to communicate to device on-off switching circuitry, which also facilitates switching between manual and electronic temperature settings through suitable relays. Sensors provide on-site measurements data and on the furnace itself (temperature, carbon monoxide and flame availability).