Books are initially perceived by children as toys. However, the experience of reading together with parents soon makes them realise that taking a book in your hands means learning something new. With the introduction of children to the concept of the press they are being prepared for the further development of literacy that is a goal persued by many. Kindergarten teachers are preoccupied with the so-called early literacy, whereas primary school teachers talk about reading literacy. Cooperation with a library can enhance the development of literacy, but above all it encourages enthusiasm to read and deal with books.
The diploma thesis first presents the importance of the contact with a book, reading with children, the area of language in the curriculum and the cooperation between a kindergarten and a library. It also focuses on cooperation forms, ways of reading encouragement and the role of adults in this. Special attention is dedicated to a mobile library as it is not the most common type of library.
The second part presents the results of the survey among kindergarten teachers and parents. The former were questioned about their cooperation with a mobile library, whether and how they cooperate, what are their opinions on this cooperation, what are the advantages of such cooperation etc. The latter were asked about their cooperation with the public stationary and mobile libraries.
The results show that kindergarten teachers cooperate with a mobile library at least a few times a year, but most of them use its services whenever it comes to their kindergarten. Kindrgarten teachers are satisfied with the cooperation, however, they would like more contacts between children and librarians in the future, such as fairy tale readings and more frequent visits. The accessibility as well as the atractiveness of the mobile library to children were stressed as its main advantages. Most parents cooperate with the library as well. They use the services offered by a stationary library more often than a mobile library. Nevertheless they think that a mobile library (by visiting kindergartens) is an important factor in encouraging reading and developing affection for literature.