The theisis presents the needs and desires which have young people about their free time in the municipality Novo mesto. The theoretical part presents the characteristics of adolescence, developmental tasks and presents the needs that young people have in this period. I focused on leisure, on different types spending free time and the importance of it for teenagers. Then I focused on the youth policy, youth participation, student work and discovered what kind of challenges are facing municipalities about student work. In the empirical part, I used the questionnaire to discover the needs and desires by young people in the municipality of Novo mesto regarding leisure time and discover if the existing offer suits youth desires and needs. I discovered also how young people spend their free time and what they miss in Novo mesto. The results show that young people are well informed about the projects and activities that are organized in the city for them. They want to spend their free time in sports activities and workshops, where they would get as much as possible knowledge and skills that would help them in future career path. Above all, young people are expressing a desire for a meeting place, where they can socialize with each other.