This Master Thesis deals with singly symmetric steel profiles subjected to compressive force. Detaily
are analysed centrically and eccentrically loaded hot rolled steel elements with equal leg cross-section.
The procedures for determining the buckling load for elements with a compact and slender crosssection
according the European Eurocodes and American AISC standards are presented. Featured
procedures are used in the calculations of buckling capacity for selected element with a slender crosssection.
Influence of residual stresses and geometrical imperfections resulting from the method of
manufacture of steel elements, is incorporated in buckling curves. Numerical analysis of buckling
behaviour were calculated in numerical environment Abaqus. In numerical simulations material and
geometric imperfections were combined in an equivalent geometric imperfection with the
corresponding amplitude, so that the results of numerical simulations for centrically loaded elements
with a compact cross-section coincide with the corresponding buckling curve in Eurocode standard.
Adequacy of the numerical model eccentrically loaded elements was validated by comparing the
results of the buckling load by the results of other researchers. The results of numerical simulations
centrically and eccentrically loaded elements are further compared with the results calculated
according the standards. Proposals for less complicated and more accurate calculations are given for