
Stroškovna analiza energetske sanacije in konstrukcijske utrditve objekta Tobačne tovarne v Ljubljani : magistrsko delo
ID Starešinič, Gabrijela (Avtor), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Antolinc, David (Komentor), ID Cotič Smole, Patricia (Komentor)

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MD5: 082B4AFD283213D76468C9C63D95D713
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d6b9e71d-e7ba-4707-8ada-789ce7a4125b

V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali celovito sanacijo objekta Tobačne tovarne v Ljubljani. Najprej smo pridobili potrebne podatke o trenutnem stanju objekta. Pri tem smo uporabili tudi termokamero in merilnik toplotnega toka. Posnetke in meritve, pridobljene z neporušnimi preiskavami, smo uporabili kot del vhodnih podatkov za analizo energetske učinkovitosti objekta. Energetsko izkaznico smo izdelali s programom ArchiMAID in pokazali, da energetske lastnosti stavbe niso zadovoljive glede na sedanje zahteve standardov. Nato smo preverili učinek posameznih ukrepov energetske sanacije in ob upoštevanju zahtev spomeniškega varstva izbrali najprimernejše. Za objekte kulturne dediščine velja, da lahko odstopajo od minimalnih zahtev glede učinkovite rabe energije, zato smo energetsko učinkovitost stavbe nadgradili v okviru danih robnih pogojev. Merodajne lokalne porušne mehanizme zaradi potresne obtežbe smo določili z analizo FaMIVE, s programom SREMB pa smo preverili etažni odziv konstrukcije. S primernimi utrditvenimi ukrepi smo zvišali potresno odpornost objekta. Le-ta je še vedno manjša od predpisane potresne odpornosti, saj obravnavana stavba stoji na zelo neugodnih tleh. Pripravili smo grobo oceno in primerjavo stroškov posameznih sanacijskih in utrditvenih ukrepov. Odločili smo se za najprimernejšo izvedbo ter izdelali optimalni predlog sanacije objekta, ki temelji na hkratni izvedbi gradbenih del. V nalogi smo pokazali, da pri hkratni izvedbi lahko prihranimo približno 9 % celotne investicije v prenovo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, kulturna dediščina, nedestruktivne preiskave, energetska učinkovitost, protipotresna odpornost, sanacija, stroški
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FGG - Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[G. Janković]
Leto izida:2015
Št. strani:XII, 91 str., 2 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72181 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:7156065 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:08.09.2015
Število ogledov:3821
Število prenosov:636
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Cost benefit analysis of energy renovation and structural retrofitting of Tobačna Ljubljana factory building
The thesis presents design of energy renovation and structural retrofitting of the building of Tobačna Ljubljana factory. First, we have obtained the necessary information about the current state of object. For this purpose, we have also used infrared thermography and the heat flow meter. Images and measurements, obtained by non-destructive techniques, were used as a part of input data for the analysis of building energy efficiency. In ArchiMAID program we created energy performance certificate for our case study. It showed that energy efficiency of building is not adequate according to current code requirements. Further, we have analyzed different measures of energy renovation and have chosen the most optimal combination of measures by considering the protection of cultural heritage. Building that have historical values do not necessarily need to achieve all requirements for energy efficiency. Therefore we upgraded the energy performance of building within the limits provided by protection requirements. For the seismic assessment we have used FaMIVE analysis for determination of relevant local failure mechanisms and with SREMB we verified storey response of the structure. With appropriate measures we have increased seismic resistance of the building in significant amount. Because the building is located on poor clay soft soils its seismic resistance can not match current code requirements. A rough cost estimation of various retrofitting measures has been done and the most optimal solution of retrofitting measures has been chosen. With cost benefit analysis, an optimal proposal was created for the retrofitting of the building that is based on the simultaneous execution of both works. We have showed that is possible to save around 9 % of the total investment in the complete retrofitting.

Ključne besede:civil engineering, master of science thesis, cultural heritage, non-destructive techniques, energy efficiency, earthquake resistance, retrofitting, costs

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