In the first part of the article the Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach is presented from
the viewpoint of developing the observation ability. The child should be provided with
the possibility of as comprehensive perception as possible, with a view to successfully develop and use also those senses that are otherwise neglected to a certain extent (touch,
taste, smell). Within the artistic expression the perceptions offer a variety of specific
expressive possibilities allowing for interesting artistic interpretations of the child, the
characteristic, which is beneficially used by the Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach at
work with children, in their »investigating projects«. The second part is dedicated to
enabling and fostering various forms of expression, that were described by Loris
Malaguzzi as the so called hundred languages. The basic motto of the Reggio Emilia
pedagogical approach is considering a child as an active co-author of the creative
process. Thus, the child is provided with the possibility to express through various
activities own attitude towards himself, his social environment, space and time in which
he lives. In this way he can preserve and develop his own creative potentials; as regards
the emphasized role of work in small groups the child's capability to cooperate,
communicate, adjust and his sense of belonging to a certain environment are developed
at the same time.