In the introduction the views on learning and teaching in different pedagogical concepts
through the history are presented, followed by the explanation of M. Montesori and
Vigotsky that in pre-school age children pass on from spontaneous (unintentional) to
reactive and intentional learning, which significantly influenced the contemporary preschool
curricula. The third, central chapter deals with the key theoretical starting points
of the development of thinking, learning and teaching that influenced the Reggio Emilia
approach: the explanations of M. Montessori, Dewey, Piaget, Vigotsky, Bruner, M.
Donaldson and Gardner. The theoretical starting points are supplemented by the
explanations and cases from the field of natural sciences. In the final chapter the authors
compared (the postmodern) Reggio approach to (the modern), towards a child oriented
and developmentally appropriate programmes of pre-school education.